The diversity of teachers and the reliable content on RightNow Media helps Grace Community Church reach their whole community.

"[RightNow Media] is always bringing something new and I know the content is not something I'm going to have to be concerned about.”

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Arlington, TX
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Adult Series
Psalm 119
RightNow Media Most Watched Kids Series
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Kids Series
Monster Truck Adventures

Grace Community Church in Arlington, TX is located near a major university and serves an internationally diverse community. So, it’s no surprise that they are invested in reaching and equipping college students and their international neighbors.


Prior to subscribing to RightNow Media, the church struggled to find content from trusted leaders and sources that they could offer to their small group leaders. Life Groups Pastor Jonathan Scheffrahn reflected on the impact RightNow Media had on their small groups:


“We had a lot of people who wanted to lead groups, but they didn't really know what to teach or what to do. So, giving them a library where they could go find something they look forward to doing in their groups and connecting their groups around, that was just a great thing . . . [RightNow Media] is always bringing something new and I know the content is not something I'm going to have to be concerned about.” 


The ethnically diverse community surrounding Grace also presented a challenge: how would the church reach people in their own languages or in a way that spoke to their native cultures? RightNow Media’s international content has given pastors and small group leaders a new and effective way to solve that problem.


“We have a Spanish speaking church in our congregation, so we are able to share with them, ‘Hey, there are some studies in Spanish that may really bless you guys.’ So they’ve been able to grow. I have [also] loved going to RightNow Media and seeing how specifically there's people and voices from India, who are sharing the gospel.”—Jonathan Scheffrahn, Life Groups Pastor

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